Iceland • Nov 2025
Feel Great, Age Wonderfully, & Stay Healthy Through Wellness Lifestyle Choices!
Support your Wellness Lifestyle through:
- Functional Wellness Testing and Consultation
- Exercise Classes
- Nutrition Education
- Detoxification Support
- and more!
Zen and Vitality with Zoa is a Functional Wellness Center located in Southern Maryland, USA offering both In-Studio and Online Consultations, Classes and Services.
Remove Your Obstacles to a Healthy Body and Mind
Humans are complex and so are their problems! I bring together many areas of health and wellness to focus on this complexity. Here are the 6 most common problems I work with.
“Zoa is like a ray of hope and sunshine.” – from a chronic mold illness client
Don’t see your current problem?
Contact me to see how I can help your unique situation!

Feel Better Not Older!
Do You Know …
We start aging in our mid twenties!
Significant changes occur in our 40’s that impact future health for both women and men.
Health matters weigh more heavily on us in our 50’s & 60’s – especially if we have spent years prioritizing others first.
Aging can be slow and gentle when wellness becomes a high priority to your daily life. It is never too late to feel better not older!

“I know that you will always guide me in the right way and that you’ve always got my interests at heart.” – from a Functional Wellness Roadmap and Pilates client
There are so many ways you can proactively choose wellness over disease:
- the food you eat
- purposeful movement of your entire body
- the pattern and quality of your sleep
- environmental and personal toxin exposure
- beneficial light exposure
- stress management
- laughter, and more!
Here, we work on them all!
Your Personal Guide on Your Wellness Journey
Hi, I’m Zoa Conner, PhD

I will be your guide, teacher, sounding board for your journey out of pain and fatigue, away from feeling blah, and into your vibrant self.
I have curated knowledge and equipment from around the world.
I honor both ancient healing knowledge and advocates forward thinking.
I can’t wait to meet the new you!
Has this happened to you?
Your wait at the doctor’s office was long enough to grow 2 new grey hairs. Doc rushed in and out like a hurricane barely having time to write a prescription let alone discuss your concerns and answer your questions. You like your Doc but man do you wish you had someone who listens and works WITH you on your health.
It doesn’t happen here!
Experience less frustration with your body and brain for not working “right”
Learn what your body needs to function at your best
Allow both science and intuition to inform your daily activities and lifestyle
Lower both your risk of disease and need for future surgery
Stop hearing “it is your age” as a reason for feeling poorly or needing medication
Recruit your natural abilities to heal
Understand and honor your body’s wisdom
Receive personalized guidance as you take action to encourage body and brain health
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Client Experience
I am a 64 year old retiree and began taking instruction from Zoa in early February 2020. Because of health concerns I was searching for help. In 2018 I was diagnosed with COPD and in 2019 I experienced a major exacerbation. My wife had been taking classes with Zoa and urged me to give her a try.
Since taking 2 to 3 of her classes per week I have drastically improved my flexibility, stamina and overall strength. I am taking Fascia, Pilates and Yoga. In addition, I am considering her Meditation sessions to improve my focus and mental capabilities.
Her studio is fully equipped with all the essential tools and equipment necessary for her sessions. Additionally, with the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic, she quickly altered her sessions to include virtual availability without a hitch.
Zoa’s teaching methods are clear, concise, versatile and her concern for my personal well being and patience has been the impetus to keep me returning to her classes. She has become more than my instructor but my healthcare partner. Give her sessions a try, you’ll thank yourself later.